Top five movies to watch and where


Movie streaming is everywhere around us and we love it

Howdy there folks! Have you ever wondered how in the name did we transferred from ordering a DVD via mail and renting VHS cassettes in local video shop to ultra fast online movie streaming? It sure did happen over night or we just have a feeling that it did?

Now, epitome for online media streaming are everywhere around us. You can go visit YouTube and watch your favorite band music video or go to Filmi online and watch some of the latest TV shows. It’s crazy, what it is – but we sure do love it.

Wildly accessible online media streaming

Online media streaming does rely on you having a good Internet connection, but with advanced technologies, everyone has great Internet access. With introduction of smart phones and tablets and compatible notebook computers, the movie streaming became even more viral. You can sit in bus and watch your favorite movie or re-watch that last episode of TV show you missed. Sunny day at a beach – no problem, pull out your smartphone and watch that few minutes of movie that you missed days ago!

Our top five out of five lists of movies to watch

We all know the feeling when fridge is full and we “don’t have anything to eat”. When you load YouTube and you feel like there is nothing to listen that might interest you enough. This psychological phenomena is normal, don’t worry about it – we all been there. I guess it occurs when people are offered too so many options they just get confused on which one to go with. Thus, we created this text to help you pick your next movie to watch on Filmi online movie streaming. Do you want to watch some movie with truly great cast or you are in mood for some super-confusing movie like Donnie Darko? No matter the case, we got you covered with our top five out of five movie pick list. Enjoy your pick.


Hollywood loves a good movie star, but sometimes the most satisfying films feature an expansive group of actors, rather than one flashy lead performance. No matter what your deal is, you can watch it at Filmi online. But for now, here are five of the best movies with breathtaking casts:

  • “12 Angry Men” – If you watch a trailer for this movie you will come to conclusion that movie that is entirely in a jury room, can’t be so fun after all. But when the twelve dudes of the titles are twelve of the best actors of their generation, and the guy behind the camera is a never-better Sidney Lumet, you have no reason to be surprised. This is a textbook definition of a terrific ensemble.
  •  “The Magnificent Seven” – Most action movies are centered on one lead badass, but “The Magnificent Seven” opts for another approach: Seven dangerous badasses, with Steve McQueen, Yul Brynner, and Charles Bronson among them.
  • “Nashville” – Master director Robert Altman was famous for his movies with big lead cast actors. This particular movie is arguably the best of the bunch. It follows a cast of around 30 characters to Nashville for a political speech that ends up turning deadly, then somehow inspirational. Every single one of the characters is as fascinating as the next. This movie is available at Filmi online for you to watch now.
  • “Anchorman” – Imagine you had a power to call upon all of the greatest American comedy actors, mash them up with legendary director such as Adam McKay. What would you get? The hell of the comedy – this is exactly that situation.
  • “Spotlight” – Tom McCarthy’s bravely stood before Catholic Church with this masterpiece of movie with a lot of questions. Based upon true events, you will enjoy every second of this movie. It features some of the great actors like Mark Ruffalo, Brian d’Arcy James, Rachel McAdams and Michael Keaton.


  • “Primer” – Time-travel is one of the most confusing concepts in science fiction, due to all the paradoxes and stuff that arise from it. This movie is well-constructed time-travel story. The plot has to do with a couple of amateur scientists who accidentally stumble upon a time machine. The mechanics are too involved and complicated to go into here, trust us on this one. So, hop into time travel machine straight to Filmi online and enjoy this masterpiece.
  • “Minority Report” – Almost as confusing as time-travel is the idea of a “precognition,” where certain gifted people can see bits and pieces of the future before they happen. That, plus a classically twisty film noir plot, is the key ingredients of the futuristic chase thriller like this one. It might be confusing but in the end, Tom Cruise will explain everything which is nice of him.
  • “Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind” – Relationships are confusing enough. We all been there. Now imagine a confusing relationship movie with a science fiction spices thrown in. That spice in this movie is a service that erases memories of an ex-girlfriend (Kate Winslet) or boyfriend after a painful breakup. This multi layered movie is mixed with emotions that will seem all too familiar to someone in the real world.
  • “Inception” – Speaking of multiple layers, Inception deals with the made-up concept of breaking into someone’s subconscious while they sleep and planting an idea inside their psyche. But what happens if the person dreams within a dream, which all takes place in a dream, etc, etc, etc? What is real and what is dream? You can maybe try to figure out while watching this movie at Filmi online.
  • “Being John Malkovich” – Probably one of the most off-the-wall premises in all of movies, Being John Malkovich imagines a world in which people can crawl through a hole in the wall at an office building and spend fifteen minutes in the mind of actor John Malkovich before getting dumped on the New Jersey Turnpike. One of the biggest head-scratchers happens when Malkovich himself goes through the hole, which leads him to a super confusing world no one should ever encounter or see. Truly wonderful piece of art movie that is available for free at Filmi online. This movie is also funny as it is confusing and instructive.